Randy Trost & Jim Tate ©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo de Cordero
Randy & Jim are deceased and passed away several years ago. They were two of my dearest friends and I miss them both to this day. On Christmas Eve 1992 they laid down relatively early hoping to be well rested for the following Christmas day festivities, sadly Randy never woke up. He passed away in Jims arms that night from aids related complications. Jim was never able to recover from Randy's death and the memory of waking and finding Randy dead in his arms was more then Jim could bare. Randy’s absence from Jims life was also extremely and overwhelmingly painful. A few years after Randy died Jim took his own life.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or just feeling lonely or insecure, or are overwhelmed with emotional problems call and talk to someone at any one of the help lines available worldwide. The Trevor Project is a reputable site and you can get pivate and confidential help there. You are not alone and you matter and your presence makes a difference in this world, we need you!
The Trevor Project was established in 1998 to coincide with the HBO airing of the award winning short film "Trevor" it was hosted by Ellen DeGeneres. The Trevor Helpline is the only national 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention hot line for LGBTQ youth. If your an adut or young adult you can also call.
The Trevor Helpline is geared toward helping youth in crisis, or those wanting information on how to help someone in crisis. The Trevor Helpline is maintained by two call centers with partners at the San Francisco Suicide Prevention and The Trevor Project. Helpline calls are handled by highly trained counselors and are free and confidential.
SUICIDE PREVENTION The Trevor Project 866.488.7386