March 10, 1957 - May 2, 2011
I am sad but for a moment for this is the turning of the key, the key that locks things in… the key that locks things out. Beware howls a primal wind as it blisters the hearts of many who rejoice at the death of one who like Judas had a destiny to fulfill.
Death feasts on the heart of hate consumes the soul of fate serves damnation on those that judge and so are judged. For the sun the greatest man on earth once said, *"Rises and sets on the just and thee unjust, on good and on evil".
So put aside revulsion for the sake of love and rejoice that unto God the epoch that befalls is written and exported without remnant or disgrace.
May 3, 2011
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
*Jesus Christ
Its an elevator
Who will cry for me when I die
Who will find me when I'm gone
How many days will I lay dead
Will I lay there by myself
Or will I be there with who
Maybe you in a coma next to me
Or within arms reach with a bullet in your head
Perhaps too far to touch but close enough to see
It is you laying on the green grass
In your pretty picnic dress
With your flesh torn open
Me, I am circling above
We seem to be permanently dead
A 1963 canary yellow Cadillac convertible
At the bottom of the ravine
With a sign speared through the windshield
That reads, enter at your own risk no outlet
It spirals through my head like the ringing of the phone
Oh goodness its for me, my one last call
Or the melody from a song that I hate
'The proof is in the pudding'
No wonder I have always hated pudding
Cause something that proves anything is worth hating
Maybe I'll steal a bus and plan an elaborate trip
Invite everyone I have ever loathed
Then drive over a cliff and plummet to the bottom of the sea
Why shouldn't death be a party filled with surprises
For everyone including me
But at last I would forgive you and you me
Then slam on the breaks but it would be too late
Everybody quick move to the back of the bus
Suddenly its just the place to be
We would escape from this horrid dream
That is exactly what this has to be
Simply because its just not me
January 7, 2009
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
I don’t know why
I don’t know why
Cause we’ve never met before
But it’s kinda nice to know
That you are listen’n to me
Listen to you
Listen to you
So I’ll put on my best face
And come over to your place
And we will wrap our hearts in chains
And hang from the ceiling
And dance barefoot on a floor
Made of razor blades
And then lay with each other
On a sea of flames
And then lay with each other
On a fucking sea of flames
Written for Spiral
October 5, 2006 8:30 p.m. – 10:19 p.m
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
I overheard your name
As the conversation went
Melody… Melody… Melody…
My heart began to race with anticipation
Just knowing that I would see you again
Made me hope beyond imagination
I quickly ran inside and changed
I put on someth’n you could see through
I would do anything to have you
I even ran to look for a star
So I could make a wish
But it was day and night would not come
Before you would arrive
I sat on Vince’s porch
Playing out every word in my head
A well unwritten script I rehearsed in silence
Suddenly I heard the wheels of a car
Scraping against the dirt drive
I sat there holding my breath
Biting my nail as you walked up the hill
I didn’t dare look up
Afraid you knew what I was thinking
I felt so transparent around you
I followed your shadow instead
Until it reached my feet
And then you leaned down
Strands of blond silk cascade against me
As I moved towards your face
Your hair draped against my skin
You gently kissed me on the cheek
Then I looked up and your eyes pierced mine
Your beauty lanced my heart
I rushed to press my lips against yours
But you turned your face ever so sweetly
Denying me again what I had so longed for
You had told me once before
It can not be you are a child and I am not
I felt so weak the scent of your breath
Broke through and collapsed my composure
I jumped up and wrapped my arms around you
I would not let go so you held me tight
I couldn’t feel anything but you and I didn’t want to
All I could think was
Melody… escape ….
Escape with me my beautiful Melody
Escape… or I could just kidnap you
And hope you would forgive me
I don’t know why but it was always
As if it were to be our last embrace
Our last moment together
So I closed my eyes
And wanted us to be alone
Anywhere but there
Just you and I drifting across the sea
Riding the clouds on wings of angels
Chasing our dreams through some unknown forest
I would catch you as we fell from the sky
I would tear my heart open
And we would immerse ourselves
In complete obscurity
I would press my lips so hard against yours
Would desire to split and bleed into my mouth
I would pour myself into you until I was empty
From my heart to yours we would drink
Until we would thirst no more
Written for Melody
March 28, 2011 1:44 A.M.
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
Oh mi estimado debutante dulce
Enviado adelante en un caballo gris pálido
C arrying una taza llenó de la ceniza
Deje a cada uno de nosotros afirmar
Eso allí todavía está
Sitios vacíos en la arena
Que aún los flys del cuervo arriba
El circundar, buscando para su aterrizaje
Donde no hay ninguno ser encontrado
Para todo ese miente abajo
Es cubierto por un mar de llamas
Ese llena el aire de una calina del humo
Y el hedor de la muerte
Elegí beber solamente de la taza llenada
Con el agua de la verdad
Funcionamientos a través de mis venas
Y entrega la visión
De usted a mí
El emisario heráldico
Recibo a todos que vengan a mi puerta
Tranger, amigo y enemigo de S,
Se abre el golpe y él
Pida y usted recibirá
Búsqueda y usted encontrará seguramente
Ahora venga tomar resto
Aquí, siéntese conmigo
He preparado una tabla
Especialmente para usted
Romperemos el pan
Y vino de la bebida junto
Para su viaje ha sido un largo
Y paso que tuerce en espiral a través de los pasillos desconocidos
Fractura de la barrera del tiempo
Su regalo, una reliquia del saber
Enrollado hace miles de años
Como los jeroglíficos versificados de símbolos antiguos
Pero en el último usted ha alcanzado su destino
Revela como los pétalos que caen de la cadera del se levantó
Dejáis le sépase a uno y a todo
Aunque discípulo de I la buena lucha
Tiento a dios no
Dejo el arte de la guerra espiritual
A los ángeles de la oscuridad y de la luz
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo
Oh my dear sweet debutante
Sent forth on a pale grey horse
Carrying a cup filled with ash
Let each of us contend
That there are still
Empty seats in the arena
That still the raven flys above
Circling, searching for its landing
Where there is none to be found
For all that lies below
Is covered by a sea of flames
That fills the air with a haze of smoke
And the stench of death
I chose only to drink from the cup filled
With the water of truth
Runs through my veins
delivers the vision
Of you to me
The heraldic emissary
I receive all who come to my door
Stranger, friend and foe,
Knock and it is opened
Ask and you shall receive
Seek and surely you will find
Now come and take rest
Here, sit with me
I have prepared a table
Especially for you
We will break bread
And drink wine together
For your journey has been a long
And spiraling pass through unknown corridors
Breaking the barrier of time
Your gift, a relic of lore
Scrolled thousands of years ago
Like hieroglyphs versed from ancient symbols
But at last you have reached your destiny
Unfolds like petals falling from the hip of the rose
Let it be known to one and all
Although I disciple the good fight
I tempt God not
I leave the art of spiritual warfare
To the angels of darkness and light
©Petra Maricela Thompson Violetarojo